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Re-record no more

2 mins

I have a lot of trouble stumbling over my words while recording (or just getting plain embarrassed). This is how I avoid having to hit re-record or recording multiple videos to get everything right. This may be obvious to everyone but I wanted to post just in case it helps somebody else :)

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Hey friends, I wanted to take advantage of the new post community feature to demonstrate how I avoid rerecording over and over.

I know a lot of you probably already do this, but in case you don't and haven't thought about it before and you're like me and you constantly stumble over your words or just don't like how you said something, this is what I do to avoid having to hit rerecord or to end a recording and then go at

it again later. Basically, the gist of it is once I get to a spot where I mess up, I just stop talking for about five, 10 seconds and then it start again from where I began the messed up part of it.

And it, that way when I go into the recording and the trimming tool, I can see exactly in the audio the audio wave where I stopped talking, so I can locate really quickly where that error began and then where the correction began.

So I'll show you really quick on a video that I made purely for this demonstration. <affirmative> this will also be posted in the community.

Again, using this as an excuse to go on the weird rants that I like to go on, but I won't get into it here.

If you wanna watch that one, I'll put the CTA around here. But just so you can see on the audio wave right here or yeah, in the audio wave, this is a section where I messed up.

So I can easily come over here, find the beginning of that slide nudge, split the trim, and then I can see over here exactly where you can see I messed up twice exactly where my third attempt begins.

And there you go. It saved. And when you watch it, you probably won't notice that it happened. But yeah, I just wanted to talk about reducing the psychological barrier of recording.

I get very self-conscious and this is a very easy way to run through it multiple times and be able to just clean it up all in one go.

So yeah, hope y'all enjoyed that.


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Tyson QuickCEO, Postclick