Split PDF Upon Upload
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To split a PDF upon upload, you'll need to select a file upload and either drag and drop files or select the file from your computer.
So now we have the option to change the name, add the custodian. Let's pick one here and click on more options.
You can add in notes. And then now we can choose which level to split our PDF by. We have options by bookmarks, the amount of pages, file sizes, or by specific pages.
Let's show bookmarks. In this example, at this time you have to select which level of bookmark. So we'll select level two and start our upload.
Now our uploads going to begin and split at that second level PDF bookmark. Thank you.
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To split a PDF upon upload, you'll need to select a file upload and either drag and drop files or select the file from your computer.
So now we have the option to change the name, add the custodian. Let's pick one here and click on more options.
You can add in notes. And then now we can choose which level to split our PDF by. We have options by bookmarks, the amount of pages, file sizes, or by specific pages.
Let's show bookmarks. In this example, at this time you have to select which level of bookmark. So we'll select level two and start our upload.
Now our uploads going to begin and split at that second level PDF bookmark. Thank you.